“How do I make money doing it?”

Making money following your calling is a bit like signing a record deal at a dive bar. It’s been done, but there are so many more reasons to be playing at an open mic. 
That being said, it’s still possible. 
Here are some pointers:
  1. Don’t worry about the "make money" part first. The fist question is always about continuity; the second questions is about value. Is this work/project/piece consistent with the deeper stream of my life, and does it offer measurable value to the world? 
  2. Don’t quit your job (but expect to eventually). Obsess about your objective, skill, or goal enough that you do it on weekends, in the evenings, and on days off. Get better at it. Fail often. But don't pay a lot to get better and fail—your biggest cost for both should be looking honestly in the mirror. 
  3. Be the best in the world at one thing. Specialize to a fault. But don’t go looking for a niche; it’s in you, in your story and your experience. Attend closely to your call. Meditate on it day and night. Your specialization will come; your niche will materialize. And then further refine it until it’s razor sharp. Become an expert. 
  4. Surround yourself with people that envision the world within which your call makes sense. They won’t pay you for your work, but together you all will be an embodied reminder that shortcuts don’t work, unfocused investments are a waste of time, and wishful thinking is ultimately depressing. Speak truthfully to each other. Encourage each other. 
  5. Never stop learning. Ever. But not aimlessly. Learn to be better; learn what is needed; learn more skills that surround your call. Learn what people associated to your call value, but more importantly, learn what they need. 
  6. And lastly, don’t pay anyone for instructions on how to make money following your muse. Trust me here, if you Google “How to make money doing X”, the only hits you’ll get are going to end up costing you . . . and making zilch. Plus, ten people just searched that exact phrase ten minutes ago.  

“Where are the others?”


“Can I do it on the weekends?”