“Where are the others?”

Two ways to answers this. 
Where are others pursuing their call? & Where are the others called to something similar? 
The former provides a certain comfort knowing we’re not alone; the latter builds community, a tribe. 
To the first: They’re everywhere . . . but not in high numbers. Some are tinkering in their basement late at night. Others are cooking up something delicious before the sun rises. And some are using vacation time to head to the mountains for a vocation-related retreat. They can be found in churches, bleachers, and PTO meetings. Anywhere, really. 
I use to the think if I looked for passion, I’d find someone following their muse. Not true. Marketing has usually beat me to them. They’ve been sold something to sate the energy for change. Now I believe if I follow obsession—specifically to improving a task, a skill, a process, a system—I have found someone listening to their daemon. 
Look for obsession. Be someone that is obsessed. You’ll find others.
To the second: Tribes are built horizontally, not vertically. I like what Seth Godin does with soft and hard connections. A hard connection is official. It’s the result of a budget, usually announced, and spread widely at first. A soft connection is directed, often person to person, and the result of compulsion not an advertising budget.  Soft, tribal connections spread, in the end, much faster because they have exponential growth. But more importantly than speed, the connection is deeper because it’s meaningful to the sender. And trust is built in. 
You will find your tribe by sharing. Refine your message. Share person to person. Your tribe will come. 

“Won’t I lose my job?”


“How do I make money doing it?”