Here’s an important thing to remember about vocation: it doesn’t take time off. Of course, you can and should retreat, vacation, and do whatever it is you need to do to recharge and stay healthy. But your purpose doesn’t travel to Europe or go on a cruise. It works all day, every day, nonstop.
The very idea of a “weekend” is foreign to your calling. Assuming there is a week for work and an ending to the week for non-work is an artificial distinction that presupposes “work” as something dreadful, from which we need (at least) a two day break.
Calling is different. It’s like the unemployed person renting the studio above you: it never stops stomping around, making noise, causing ruckus. All day it moves about and sometimes in the middle of the night. Until it’s employed!
Should we take time off? Of course, but vocation refuses to be relegated to the tail-end of a week. If we try, it’ll wake us up before our alarm clock on a Wednesday and demand our attention.
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