The Lion at the Zoo

[Restlessness - VII]

Emotions often come in threes—emotional triplets.

Restlessness and impatience are twins, but there is third. Sometimes it’s anxiety, which causes the threesome to feel negative. But when the third is hunger, they’re positive.

A hunger for answers. A hunger for clarity. A hunger for direction, purpose, meaning, growth, and change.


Life and vocation only come one clue at a time. One character at a time. One chance meeting at a time. One blessing at a time. It’s never fast enough. And it’s always at the perfect time.

Restlessness is what the lion experiences at the zoo at feeding time. It's an alertness for nourishment. It’s impatience for important food. All restlessness is not bad; it just means it’s time for what’s suppose to happen.


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