Bookstore Window
[Restlessness - VIII]
In the old fables, it’s a golden thread. Maybe gold hair. A gold leaf. A gold chalice. A gold something. The protagonist never fully knows why, but he or she must follow it to fulfill destiny.
Restlessness tells you a “golden thread” is afoot. It’s not literal; it might not even be physical. But it draws.
Is there a book you’re drawn to in the window of the bookstore?
Is there a person at the restaurant that captures your attention?
What about the coworker you can’t get off your mind?
How about an old friend you’re compelled to reach out to?
These are “golden threads”.
Restlessness beckons us to follow them. Listen to your intuition. Say “Yes” to your creative impulse. Be open. Even irrational.
It often leads to exactly what you need.