Premature Creativity

[Restlessness - VI]

Inspiration bubbles up from deep.

The bottom of a lakebed is teaming with life. So it is with our soul. There’s an abundance of aerobic, life-giving activity at the center of who we are. But inspiration doesn’t always surface quickly or all at once. Slowly, bloop, bloop, bloop, it makes it way to our awareness.

At the bottom, deep down, creativity stirs.

Restlessness is often the first sign. It’s our body telling us, "Change is immanent, ideas are around the corner, and inspiration is stirring."

Restlessness is often premature creativity.
It needs to be addressed with alertness not antsy-ness. Attention not agitation.

The next time you’re restless, carry on . . . with a notepad. Inspiration is on its way.


The Lion at the Zoo


Weekly Roundup: Restlessness I