Weekly Roundup: Restlessness I
March 29 - April 2, 2021
Monday: People like us know the feeling. The shivering. The irritability. The agitation, fidgetiness, and nervousness. The target-less going. The “multitasking” and “fast-brain”. It's exhausting.
Tuesday: Restlessness doesn’t need shaming. Or finger waging. Or huffs and puffs of disapproval. Restlessness first needs understanding. Which restlessness are you feeling?
Wednesday: There’s also a metaphorical RSL (Restless Leg Syndrome). It’s the uncontrollable urge to do something, go somewhere, or accomplish a task. Anything but this; anywhere but here; anything other than what is currently happening. “Running” is the perfect antidote
Thursday: Restlessness sometimes feels a lot like anger. It’s hot and uncomfortable. It’s accompanied by the impulse to act quickly and decisively, often toward someone that bears our projections of anger and wears our blame.
Friday: Restlessness is not the result of too much waiting; rather, it’s caused by waiting for too few things that matter.
Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.
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