Choosing Stories
[Insecurity - X]
Jenn helped me think about insecurity as a "false restriction”.
Not from elsewhere.
Not from without.
But from within.
Like an autoimmune disease, insecurity is a destructive force within me that ravages my wellbeing if it goes unaddressed. It’s a type of illness that capitalizes on passivity. The less I do to address it—assuming it will, without an antidote and without work, simply subside—the more it dictates a false and destructive narrative about who I am.
Unlike a disease, however, there is no prescription for insecurity. Only an alternative, truthful, more life-giving narrative.
You are a delight.
You are worthy.
You are chosen.
You are courageous.
You are free.
Your are loved.
You are unrestricted.
You are a masterpiece.
For Jenn, these are Divine affirmations, and they tell a different, more truthful story about who I am.
Which narrative will I work to understand?
Which affirmations will I repeat?
Which statements will I claim?
Which story will I choose?