Confining Us from Creating
[Art Project - I]
In the 1930’s the Federal Art Project, as part of the New Deal, employed 10,000 artists across the county to bring art to the broadest public possible through murals, theater, dance, art centers, education, and much more. This accomplished two things: employment for many artists without work and, perhaps more importantly, it built American morale, collective identity, and optimism.
Employment opportunities.
Positive morale.
We could use some of those.
There were only two restrictions on the artists commissioned for the FAP work. No nudes. No partisan politics.
People like us know in our bones that the over sexualization of our culture and the obsessively partisan nature of our public discourse are not liberating but confining. Confining us from creating. Confining us from producing healthy morale. Especially (and maybe ironically) confining us from the possibility of beautiful art.
We need art. And artists.
We need your creativity (not your sex appeal and rant on Biden).