Weekly Roundup: Work
September 7 – 11, 2020
Monday: Take off your cape, grab a trusted friend (or coworker), and take a hard look at whether quitting will actually get you closer to where you want to get in the end.
Tuesday: Your thing is in the space where their thing can’t reach, can’t go, can’t get to, can’t even consider. Business. Social enterprise. Non-profit. Church. Movement. Network. It applies at all the above: Do what they can’t!
Wednesday: Optimism is not without self-analysis and criticism. It embraces both as tools to find where better is possible.
Thursday: The way to "the top" used to be exclusive, only given to the top 1% from the top schools. There was an "executive education" that gave you a badge of privilege. It opened doors and gave access to the strategies and insights that were held in secret. None of this is true anymore.
Friday: Treat someone like their five or 10 or 15, and they will rise right up to the ceiling they’ve been given. Surpassing it is implicitly deviant.
Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.
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