Art is Dangerous

[Art Project - II]

In the 1930’s, the Nazi regime confiscated 20,000 pieces of “degenerate art” from museums because it was a sign of moral decline. The artists—and the art they produced—were signs of mental illness and degradation of society.

This sounds similar to Stalin’s restrictions on all art forms other than the sanctioned “socialist realism” that portrayed Soviet in an optimistic light.

What did Hitler and Stalin know that we forget?
Creative expression is dangerous.

It builds culture. And criticizes it.
It affirms ideology. And challenges it.
It pumps up morale. And knocks it down.
It can conceal. And expose.

But it’s not neutral.

We forget it’s edgy potential because we have submitted art to the realm of pure consumption. It’s entertainment. It seeks ratings. And likes. And profit.

Art has the ability to carry and communicate our deepest convictions. Subtly. Powerfully.

What’s your artistic outlet?


I Made This


Confining Us from Creating