Creativity is a Divine Gift

[The Creative Call – VI]

Creativity is the natural order of life, beginning to end. In the womb, a child is created. Now consider what that child will create in the process of his life.

Crawling on the floor and learning to walk . . . she will eventually qualify for the Boston Marathon.

The small towers built with blocks . . . someday he will design bridges, build houses, or plan cities.

Those first pictures, full of pointy mountains and stick figures . . . she will eventually paint landscapes and pen poetry.

Pureed baby food and sippy cups . . . he will cook feasts and host elaborate table experiences.

There is an underlying, creative force that indwells, infuses, and inspires all of life. It beckons us forward. It’s both beyond us and within us. It’s bigger than us and yet somehow carried within us.

To resist the movement of creativity is to submit to certain disharmony. To listen, to discern, and to step forward into the creative unknown is a sacred, scary, exhilarating process. It’s our creative call.

Life as a whole is pure, creative energy, beginning to end.

It’s a divine gift.


Shaming Away Creativity


Sunday Reminder