Shaming Away Creativity

[The Creative Call – VII]

The kryptonite of creativity is shame.

Shame comes in many forms but at it’s core is the question, “Am I worthy?” Worthy of affection, attention, attraction. Worthy of connection, community, companionship. Worthy of life and love. When shame has done it’s deepest damage, the answer is “No.” However, evidence of shame is present in the very asking of the question!

Creativity also comes in many forms. At it’s core is the imprint of it’s creator. Creativity requires imagination and imagination is the generative work of the human spirit. Creativity is the spillover of our inclination to think original thoughts, make connections, create beautiful things, and play. Creativity is an extension of who we are.

Shame diminishes the individual. It isolates and devalues.
Creativity builds and supports individuality.

Shame causes disconnection and inauthenticity.
Creativity promotes connection, generosity, and honesty.

Shame exploits vulnerability.
Creativity embodies vulnerability.

Shame kills.
Creativity gives life.


Moving Inside


Creativity is a Divine Gift