Sunday Reminder

Each Sunday I'll find an older post pertaining to the current week's theme, polish it up, and re-share it.

Here's today's "Sunday Reminder"

Creative Bursts
[from June 18, 2019]

Are you creative?
Stop. Don’t answer.
Let me answer for you: We all are.

Deep in us—likely repressed from many years of being told to be quiet, to think within the box, and act normal—there is a well of creativity that only needs a small practical outlet to emerge.

Do you have creative bursts?
Do you have times when the ideas or the images or the solutions just come?
10 ideas about how to design a room or write a poem or create a game plan or architect a storyline.
I think most of us do.

What if you could capture or record 10 or 20 percent of those ideas? How about 50%? How about 75%? Seems ridiculous, right? And it is. Because creativity is unpredictable, which is part of why it is creative.

That’s why you should sit down, every day, with a pen and paper. Literally, every day. Only 10 minutes. You don’t need to will your creativity to come. That’s not the goal. The goal is to be ready.

By waiting? By sitting in silence? No, by writing or sketching or whatever-ing every day so that when creative bursts come, you’re in the habit of capturing it.

One unpredictable day 17 blog post ideas came rushing in at once. Talk about a creative burst! I was ready. And I was ready because I practiced. And I practiced because showing up and putting in the time is the only way to be ready. Day in and day out.

Every one of the ideas has made it to you on this blog because every day I show up to write.

Many of those days I either draw a blank or write trash.

I write anyways. Anything. Everything.
And then when creativity strikes, I capture it.


Creativity is a Divine Gift


Weekly Roundup: The Creative Call