Weekly Roundup: The Creative Call

May 25 – May 29, 2020

Monday: Artists are simply those that say “Yes” to their creativity. They produce first. Consume second. They are visionaries, social critics, analysts, and philosophers, all rolled into one.

Tuesday: The creative call can thrive behind any professional veil, but what it can’t do is thrive in the presence of hostility, censuring, and shame.

Wednesday: In stepping into our creative call, listening to our creative voice, or embracing our creative view, we not only enact the kind of future we desire, we encourage others to do the same.

Thursday: It’s not true that there are only a few natural creatives among us. Rather, there are some people attuned to their creativity and some that aren’t (yet).

Friday: Creative ideas, like children and flowers, can easily get damaged, broken, and dejected. They have the potential to bless the world, but they must be protected and nourished .

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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Sunday Reminder


Children or Flowers