Weekly Roundup: Work

May 11 – May 15, 2020

Monday: At one point—be it when you were six or twenty-six—something opened your heart. Your work is there. Your call, your vocation, your fullest expression is there. Rediscover it. Reengage it. And you will come alive again like the first time.

Tuesday: The most revolutionary, world-changing thing you can do today is take that tremendous burden you have on your heart, hold it in one hand, and take your day-to-day life in your other hand. Now, with both of your hands full, hold them up next to each other, and gently ask, “Where do these intersect?”

Wednesday: It’s at this moment, when the chatter and the demands and the coming-and-going is all put to rest, that you do your most important work. It’s the time you finally look in the mirror and see . . .

Thursday: An expert knows something about his or her product: it’s not the measurable inputs that make it great. I can’t measure out a 1/4 cup this and a pinch of that and produce $100/meal fine cuisine. There’s a magic behind it. There’s technique and touch. There’s a deep love for the craft. There’s feel. Devotion. Inspiration. Calling.

Friday: Your best work doesn’t only draw on the spark you carry and the ambition you have. There must be something else. You won’t find it at the office. Or on a motivational podcast.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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