Sunday Reminder

That One Thing
[from August 26, 2019]

Think of someone wildly successful.
Not necessarily affluent.
Not filling a prestigious role or a position of high honor.

But instead, think of someone that does their thing, their craft, their job, their role with the level of fluency and skill and passion that commands attention and respect (even if you’re not necessarily interested in the thing they're “selling”).

Can you think of someone like that?

Maybe it’s a boat builder. Have you seen Trent Prezler’s boats? Exquisite.

Maybe it’s an athlete. Have you looked closely at the mechanics of Steph Curry’s jump shot? A thing of beauty.

Maybe it’s a designer or a teacher or a photographer. Have you seen Clark Little’s work? Breathtaking.

Here’s one thing they all share: They stare directly at the hardest thing and do it. They do what no one is willing to do. They do what adds “hardest thing” value and can’t be manufactured or replicated.

If you want a lot of company, do what a lot of people can do with nominal effort.

If you want to produce unparalleled work and add “hardest thing” value, find that one thing that others look at and think, “That’s ridiculous; that’s too hard.”

And do it.


Imitating Heroes


Weekly Roundup: Work