Sunday Reminder

Now that I have a year of daily blogging under my belt, I'm implementing a few changes. One of those changes will be "Sunday Reminders".

Each Sunday I'll find an older post pertaining to the current week's theme, polish it up, and re-share it.

Here's today's "Sunday Reminder"

A Soul
[November 14th, 2019]

Over 700 times in the Bible, the Hebrew word nephesh is used. It’s most often translated as “soul”. But not always. Not even close.

Other translations are “life”, “body”, “throat”, and many more.

The point: the word for soul means way more than the “essence” of a person that persists beyond death in a type of dis-embodied state. You don’t “have a soul”, as if it’s something to possess; rather, you “are a soul.” All of you is soul-ish.

When we pursue the work we know we are supposed to be doing it’s the result of our whole selves. We can do all the good work we want, but our true work, our deepest work, engages all of who we are.

Not only our minds.
Not only our braun.
Not only our vision.

Our call engages all of who we are. If not, it’s narrow. Deficient. Not fully us.

You, dear friend, are a soul, and a soul pursues a call.


Kinetic Knowing


Weekly Roundup: Behind the Pursuit