I Need an Assistant

If I had a support team to do the busy work, I’d have more time to produce. Heck, If I had a personal assistant that would book my flights, make my reservations, and confirm my appointments, I’d be liberated to do only what I do best.

If I had backing to cover my costs, I could really shine, without the stress of raising funds. Heck, if I had virtually unlimited funds, I’d never have to waste time stressing about paying bills and generating cash. Nothing would hold me back.

This is what is promised…
In promotional ads on youtube.
In tall-tales about someone’s entrepreneurial uncle that made it big.
Even (subtly) in business school.

But the compelling work that is changing neighborhoods, schools, counties, and the world, is not necessarily coming from corner offices with people that have endless budgets and several assistants. Actually, it rarely is.

But it is always coming from people that step up and own the work.

The people that put themselves on the line for the small stuff and the big stuff.

An assistant won’t help you do that.
Only you can.


Putting Trendy Words On It


The Future is not Future