Who We Need

[Who We Need - I]

I just read a book about how the brain is measurably and irreversibly changing due to the way we share and consume information. (The Shallows, if you’re wondering.)

I also recently read a book about the many illusions we live with that pass as normal, everyday existence. (Empire of Illusion, if you’re curious.)

Are we doomed? Or, is all the material we need for a healthy future right in front of us?

Is the whole experiment going up in flames? Or, are all the ingredients for change on the table already?

If you’re a creative, a problem solver, an innovator, a vanguard, or a prophet, you have a head start. Why? Because there’s no debate: the future is ours to create and we’ve barely scratched the surface on our potential.

There’s a tendency to hide that identity, to tuck it behind the name tag that reads, “Receptionist” or “Floor Manager” or “Tax Lawyer” or “Student”.

Dear friend, we need you to step into that hidden role.

Now’s the time for change.
We need you to lead, wholeheartedly.


Creatives See


Weekly Roundup: Emmaus Lessons