Weekly Roundup: Emmaus Lessons

December 16 - 21, 2019

Monday: Coming to terms with the hurts of life while holding on to belief that a different future is possible is the hard double-role we have because we're unwilling to hide from reality. The reality that is now and the one being born tomorrow.

Tuesday: I do know this: hiding from your hurts—by working longer hours, staying busy, exercising more, numbing, whatever—is always temporary. They are like a boiling pot. No matter how hard we push the lid down, the steam is going to find a way out. And it might get messy.

Wednesday: In other words, meaning is made not by moving on and repeating platitudes but by moving close to the painful way things really are. We must reckon with it.

Thursday: We all hope for breakthroughs, but are we comfortable yet with stuff “breaking” and leaving behind what is familiar? Perhaps those are not the consequences of breakthroughs but the impetus, not the result but the means.

Friday: Resurrection knows no field, no occupation, no country or state or county. All resurrection knows is “Yes” to life. People like us are resurrection people.

Saturday: Your vocation comes from a deeper well. From a part of you that is more True and more Real than the desk you sit at. From a place where the divine touches you deeply and leaves an imprint.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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