The Divine Craft

[Craft - XIX]

There’s a theology to craft, which is a way of saying there is a set of beliefs that undergird it. Everything I’ve said about craft can be sewn together as a type of theological manifesto. 

But it’s also a way of saying that when we speak of craft, we are also speaking about ultimate reality—divine reality. 

There is an underlying creative force that indwells all of life.
It nudges from behind.
It urges from within.
It beckons forward.  

It’s both beyond us and within us. It’s bigger than us and yet somehow carried within us.

It’s not mere energy. And it’s not only creative impulse. 

It begins as Divine craft and is gifted to us. It begins as infinite creativity and is offered to us as inspiration, creativity, and the pursuit of beauty (and a deep appreciation for what is beautiful).

We are both products of the Divine craft and carriers of it. That by which we were made is the same means we continue to create. 

Craft is holy. 


Craft is All of This


Learning Doesn’t Collect Dust