Weekly Roundup: Restlessness II

April 5 - April 9, 2021

Monday: Restlessness is often premature creativity. It needs to be addressed with alertness not antsy-ness. Attention not agitation.

Tuesday: Restlessness and impatience are twins, but there is third. Sometimes it’s anxiety, which causes the threesome to feel negative. But when the third is hunger, they’re positive.

Wednesday: Restlessness tells you a “golden thread” is afoot. It’s not literal; it might not even be physical. But it draws.

Thursday: My friend Willie is a farmer and he helped me notice something about restlessness: Peacefulness and restlessness are not mutually exclusive.

Friday: What do you get it you add the reflections of a good friend, a yoga teacher, and courage into a bowl of restlessness . . . and then stir? You get wisdom. Here’s some wisdom from my friend, Heather...

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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Opening for a Rock Star


Courage to Rest