Courage to Rest

[Restlessness - X]

What do you get it you add the reflections of a good friend, a yoga teacher, and courage into a bowl of restlessness . . . and then stir?

You get wisdom. Here’s some wisdom from my friend, Heather:

Were I ever to get a tattoo, it would be on the inside of my wrist and it would simply say the word “Enough.”

You see, at very few moments in my life do I feel that I am doing enough or that I am enough. This alone keeps me restless, feeling that if I just move onto the next thing, accomplish the next task, achieve the right goal, then maybe I will finally be enough.

My yoga teacher recently admonished us to “have the courage to rest,” and while I was momentarily unsure what that meant, I quickly realized that it is indeed courageous to calm the restlessness, to believe that you are indeed enough, to stop and to trust that it will be okay.

I don’t know yet if I am that courageous, but I hope that someday I can be.


Weekly Roundup: Restlessness II


Acorns and Balance