Curiosity Brings it Close
[Insecurity - VII]
In science, the unknown drives us to new discoveries, to test hypotheses, and to advance forward.
Actually, in every field, it’s the unknown, the unfamiliar, and the mysterious that drives us from within, lures us from in front, and pushes us from behind to learn more, grow, and be better.
But when the unfamiliar is inside . . .
A new sensation.
A doubt or disbelief.
A poignant feeling.
A pressing curiosity.
. . . We become uncomfortable. Even hostile.
If our posture in the face of the unfamiliar is defensive, we don’t become more secure, we merely reveal the insecurity that is out of our reach.
If we’re curious, our insecurity comes close. And when it’s close, it can inspire us to learn. To grow. To be better.