Weekly Roundup: Insecurity
March 1 - March 5, 2021
Monday: Insecurity is a revved-up engine of comparison. It’s a high RPM appetite to win and be better than so-and-so. It’s a fast-paced need to be noticed. Comparison, winning, and being noticed burn a lot of fuel but never satisfy. Never.
Tuesday: Anyone on the creative journey—that’s all of us!—knows that making, building, fashioning, or creating takes time. Judgment must be suspended. What is beautiful emerges. Slowly. We, too, emerge (and become more beautiful). But insecurity would have us come to a conclusion now.
Wednesday: Don't be fooled: perfectionism is not about “having high standards”. It's about self-punishment and judgment. Insecurity is as much a habit (an addiction?) of self-wounding as it is a commitment to something like ”impeccability”.
Thursday: Insecurity is addressed by “focus[ing] on everything that is not me, [focusing] on everything that is simply here and right now.” In other words, he integrates himself into the kind of activities where abundance is evident, a higher power is palpable, and faith is a byproduct. [h/t Tyler White]
Friday: At the root of insecurity is the belief that I must be better, different, or entirely other to be accepted. Insecurity always seeks affirmation and belonging. (And the fear of rejection flairs insecurity sometimes to debilitating levels.)
Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.
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