Not Enough & Lonely

[Insecurity - IV]

For my friend Tyler, insecurity has a “partner in crime”: loneliness. Together they share a strong belief in scarcity.

I don’t have enough.
I am deficient.
I lack.

Tyler takes it one step further. He puts it like this: "I understand my insecurity as a branch of the foundational belief that I don’t have what I need, that I am in some way cosmically lacking. If I dig a bit further . . . it’s a lack of faith in a higher power, I don’t fully believe there is anything out there beyond and above my mind that consciously drives the flow of things.”

I don’t have enough.
I am deficient.
I lack.
And there is nothing beyond all of this!

His response is not to clench his fists and try harder to believe. He doesn’t close his eyes and force himself to imagine Divine generosity.

Insecurity (and loneliness) are not attended to by trying to be secure and “un-lonely”. Quite the opposite! Insecurity is addressed by “focus[ing] on everything that is not me, [focusing] on everything that is simply here and right now.” In other words, he integrates himself into the kind of activities where abundance is evident, a higher power is palpable, and faith is a byproduct.

Where is abundance evident? Go there.
How is the Divine tangible? Do that.

In Tyler’s words, insecurity will “dissolve”.


The Root of It


Dulling the Blade