Insecurity Under the Hood

[Insecurity - I]

Anxiety is in your mind. It’s also in your body.
It constricts. It aches.
It consistently tells us, “Something is off.”

Anxiety also tells lies—false stories about me and the world. "Under the hood" of some of those stories is my insecurity.

Anxiety’s half-truth-filled stories love insecurity because insecurity never slows down.

Insecurity is a revved-up engine of comparison.
It’s a high RPM appetite to win and be better than so-and-so.
It’s a fast-paced need to be noticed.

Comparison, winning, and being noticed burn a lot of fuel but never satisfy. Never.

People like us, while we don't like to admit it, struggle with insecurity. Over the next two weeks I’ll be reflecting on my own insecurity, and I’d sure like to know if any of it resonates.


Never Patient


Weekly Roundup: Anxiety II