"Who do you think you are?”
[YOU - I]
Some of us grew up getting our best and most expansive self mirrored back to us. Most of us, however, if we were one degree off, one step out of line, or one dream disconnected from “normal”, we were quickly brought back to “reality”. Deflated. Chastised. Mocked.
You may have heard criticisms like . . .
“Who do you think you are?”
“Where did you come from?”
“Where do you come up with stuff like that?”
“Why do you act (think, dream, talk, mumble) like that?”
“What on earth do you mean?”
Of course, these are not answer-able questions. They’re rhetorical. They’re critical. They’re intended to ostracize.
I’ve found that the most interesting people—people like us that are unwilling to continue in ways like this—grew up hearing these questions.
You, my friend, are in good company.
Your creativity is what we need now.
Your perseverance,
Are the way forward.
(I’d like to spend a couple weeks working through those questions that still echo in my head.)