Weekly Roundup: Don't Dismiss It, Again
November 2 - 6, 2020
Monday: But one child said something that I’ve been holding and learning from, “When someone cares for me, I can tell they care about me, and that means they are willing to listen.”
Tuesday: There’s color all around. There’s color in your dreams. There’s color in the stories we tell. To dismiss it is to concede to black and white. Find color today. Embrace it.
Wednesday: Moving an object standing still requires more force than the same object already in motion. No one’s asking for you to run and jump. There’s no need for a leap. Just one step in the right direction.
Thursday: Don’t dismiss the truthful needs of the soul for the inflated cravings of the ego. Or, don't sacrifice your center for your compulsion to do it all.
Friday: I’m beginning to think workaholism is fundamentally an avoidance of creativity. It “allows” us to not engage, not dream, not be artistic. It “saves” us from addressing our passions and eccentric ideas. It “protects” us from our own imagination.
Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.
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