Don’t Settle for the Familiar

[Affirmation - XII]

The best (if not the only) learning happens when you are surprised. When you encounter the new, the fresh, the freeing, and the challenging—all ways to be surprised—your engagement spikes and your retention soars.

As much as it seems some people are drawn to what’s familiar, I think behind that penchant for familiarity is a latent hope that surprise will break through. (In the case of news, we might call this an appetite for “shock”.)

You, friend, are an endless universe of discovery, which is to say, you can never exhaust learning about yourself.

Dig deeper.
Search more.
Ask questions.

There is so much in there to delight and inspire.
There is so much beauty.
And richness.
And depth.

Don’t settle for the familiar you.
Keep learning.


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