Stop Citing
[Affirmation - XI]
Truth #1: Nothing you think or say hasn’t been thought or said before.
Truth #2: No on exactly like you has thought or said it.
Because of #1 we often a) don’t share where we stand, or if we do b) we share it with a proper citation (author and source).
Because of #2 I encourage you to stop withholding, start owning your stance as your own, and start sharing it with the world. Sure, if someone asks, you can tell them (if you know) what informed/inspired your thought or position, but be sure to hold it with the confidence that it’s yours.
It’s not stealing. (If it is, then everything we think and say is theft.)
We’re not you teacher. (We don’t need Chicago Style citations.)
And the world is better if you don’t leave room to disavow where you are by “blaming” it on someone else.
Own it.
Say it in your own words.
Tell the world.