Weekly Roundup: Things I've Learned from Blogging 500 Days in a Row...
July 27 – July 31, 2020
Monday: If I’m lacking motivation, self-confidence, deep curiosity, or drive, I need to take a hard look at the “calories” I’ve been consuming. I usually find the cause right away.
Tuesday: Writing (or any form of communicating) is risky. In private, it allows me to examine my own thoughts. In public, it allows others to examine them, too. Both are essential steps to having influence.
Wednesday: Life is a long lesson in how to manage ongoing change. Writing is no different. If done with sincerity, it’s merely the words I have here and now. Tomorrow they will be different because, God willing, I will grow between now then.
Thursday: All of our time is accounted for. Every minute of every day.
And "making time” is a meaningless phrase. We all have only 24 hours. The question is not “How will I fit it in?” The question is “What will I replace to fit that one thing without which everything else is deficient?” There’s more to lose when I’m honest with myself.
Friday: Here are a few small writing lessons I’ve learned and keep in my pocket as reminders. They are true for any creative endeavor, I think: 1. The inner critic/editor is the most critical. Ignore him . . .
Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.
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