Less is More . . . and Other Lessons
Here are a few small writing lessons I’ve learned and keep in my pocket as reminders. They are true for any creative endeavor, I think:
1. The inner critic/editor is the most critical. Ignore him.2. Writing begins with listening closely. Listen, observe, learn.3. Writing is better in community. With people. For People.4. Creativity is inevitable but not predictable. I need to show up.5. Less is more. Less is always harder.6. Writing uncovers the True Self. Talking often hides it.7. Without calling, writing is a burden. Keep discerning.8. Building an audience is terrible inspiration. It shows.9. Writing is a type of prayer. It’s a dance with the Divine.
It’ll be interesting to see how this list and the previous week’s reflections change in the next 500 days of blogging.Stay tuned. And be creative.