Sunday Reminder

Each Sunday I'll find an older post pertaining to the current week's theme, polish it up, and re-share it.

Here's today's "Sunday Reminder"

Behind the Experience
[January 22]

You used to have to travel to Disneyland to experience the magical world of your favorite cartoons.

“Disneyland" is everywhere now. The pseudo-world where soil never grows weeds, wearing masks is normative, and the thrill of pure entertainment is around the next corner, is literally everywhere.

Target is selling it.
Youtube is streaming it.
Fox is covering it.

What’s behind the pursuit of the next exhilarating experience?

I’m not sure we want experiences as much as we want other, more exhilarating experiences than the one right in front of us, the one we’re afraid of encountering head-on.

People like us love experiencing what's new and exhilarating. But unless we first commit to experiencing the slow, real world right in front of us, all the new experiences will be an escape. And we won’t fully encounter any of it.

Find a weed. Slow down and pull it (or not).


Approaching 500


Weekly Roundup: Where I See Fear