Weekly Roundup: Where I See Fear
July 6 — July 10, 2020
Monday: Paul Tillich helped us see that the two biggest causes of anxiety are death and meaninglessness. The end of life haunts us from the future. We will die. But even worse, we don’t know the purpose of the life we’re living.
Tuesday: We’ve created places of fear. If you’ve often wondered why some people say “I don’t know” in your office/team/marriage you’re likely in a position to influence the environment to mitigate the threat.
Wednesday: If it makes you uncomfortable, dismissive, resistant, or angry, there may be fear at its core. You know enough to be scared, but not enough to be empowered. Don’t dismiss it outright. Instead, explore.
Thursday: Until failure is not a comparative measurement of the media’s sensational story telling but a barometer of our everyday calling, we will suffer from the fear of being average.
Friday: Yet we’re afraid to listen. Because one can’t listen and talk at the same time. And talking (with our mouths or just in our heads) is often a defense mechanism. It protects us from the biggest threat on our lives.
Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.
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