Weekly Roundup: More on Fear
June 29 – July 3, 2020
Monday: But it’s not the thing we fear; it’s the fear we fear. Or, we fear all sensations we associate with the fear. That's why we can loathe flying and send our kids right on their way to visit grandma in another state.
Tuesday: This is how fear works: it locks us into place, steals our freedom of choice, removes our ability to think clearly, and renders us prisoners.
Wednesday: Some standards by which we measure ourselves are our own creations. They exist in the wold insofar as we project them on it. The judgment and shame of failure is not the world’s doing but delivered by the judge and jury in our own minds.
Thursday: The stories we tell—about ourselves and our circumstances—either reinforce the reality we fear or re-script a new one.
Friday: Our denial and transference—redirecting or projecting our feelings onto a substitute—aren’t helping. They're merely entrenching us further in our fear and inhibiting us from solutions.
Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.
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