In Us All

[The Creative Call – IV]

Creativity is not only the result of effort. We can’t work longer, push harder, and grit our teeth more to discover creative ways forward. However, creativity does take work.

Creativity is not only the result of intellect. There’s no minimum IQ that predisposes us to more creativity. There’s no level of genius that gives someone a higher chance at tapping into creative flow. But intellect does play a small part.

Creativity is not only about discovery. It’s not the holy grail we go looking for. Mining for it is futile. Hunting it down is a waste of energy. Though there is a certain amount of searching that’s required.

The real work is slowing down. The real genius is being smart enough to stop. The real search is inward.

Slowing down paradoxically takes work.
Stopping requires a certain brilliance.
Looking within is life’s most difficult journey.

And there, in us all, is the source of creativity. It’s a gift. A call. Not to a few, but to us all.

The more we ramp up the noise, ratchet up the hustle, and consume the ceaseless headline machine, the further and further we separate ourselves from it.

It’s not true that there are only a few natural creatives among us. Rather, there are some people attuned to their creativity and some that aren’t (yet).


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