Weekly Roundup: Notes to Self

April 27 – May 1, 2020

Monday: I shouldn’t confuse excitement with priority. The enthusiasm that comes with a new idea, an image of the future, or a vision for another big project feeds on itself.

Tuesday: Because a different future is possible. And we can picture it. The real world might refer to today, but it doesn’t have authority to name tomorrow.

Wednesday: It doesn’t matter what sector, field, or industry . . . if it itches, you have the most critical asset to succeeding: Personal need.

Thursday: Have you ever noticed that superheroes wear their underwear on the outside? Don’t be a narcissist. (You likely aren’t.) Don’t project yourself like one. (You likely have.)

Friday: The point: your mission is what you actually do. It should sound more like a summary than a highfalutin dream.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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Mission Summary