(Easter) Sunday Reminder

Each Sunday I find an older post pertaining to the current week's theme, polish it up, and re-share it. Not this Sunday. I simply want to remind you of a few things. Me to you. No filters. No polish.

Easter is the one miracle I need no argument to support. I see it everywhere. It's written into creation. Richard Rohr calls it "Creation's pattern of wisdom."

Death and life.
Loss and renewal.
Decomposition and nourishment.
Grief and joy.
Decay and creation.

Literally death and resurrection are everywhere.
Under my feet in the microbiology of the soil.
In my my body in the biome of my gut.
In my neighborhood in the grief and support.
In the world in the tragedy and compassion.

I see it especially in people like us. In you.
In your pain, when you face it . . .
In your grief, when you hold it . . .
In your loss, when you step forward . . .
In your hurt, when you seek help . . .
In your failure, when you try again . . .
In your emptiness, when you give again. . .

I see it in the dreams people like us have.
I see it in the work people like us do.
I see it in the questions and the restlessness and the indignation we sit with.
I even see it in your doodles, your semi-conscious ramblings, and in your wild thoughts.

Despite all he evidence suggesting otherwise, despite all the bad news, and despite the crash course we seem to be on . . . you get up, make your coffee, and do the work. Work that matters. For a world that matters. For people that matter.

You are answering the call.
The resurrection call to life over death.

You, dear friend, are all the evidence I need this Easter of the resurrection, of an empty grave, of life.


Hard Questions


Weekly Roundup: Coronavirus . . .