Weekly Roundup: Coronavirus . . .

I commit to offering heartfelt, faith-filled reflections on our common struggle, the pandemic that is the Coronavirus. I will continue to do this until it seems that my contributions are redundant or unedifying. Here is a “roundup” of the third week of Coronavirus reflections. – Ryan

April 6 – April 10, 2020

Monday: And sometimes, our flat world—global realities that are worlds apart but feel like they’re down the street—takes aim at local health. By condensing the rest of the world to our fingertips, we’ve distanced ourselves from our actual neighbors.

Tuesday: It is not you that is responsible for creating a new world. Now is the time to let go of that burden. But that one thing: that one lyric, that one riff, that one, small, charming, graceful thing . . . that’s your part.

Wednesday: At some point as we look back at the trail of hurt, we will wonder, Could any of it have been averted? Maybe not. Maybe so. And that is when the Coronavirus will shift from being the target of our blame to a window into our lives. It is here that people like us must ask, What is really killing us?

Thursday: The globalization of markets and the tireless search for shaving off 1/2 percent per unit is the name of the capitalistic game. And that’s all fine and good . . . if the supply chain is guaranteed. But it’s not. And that is being exposed.

Friday: We shake our fist at the microscopic evil-doer because facing the fear (and the fragile system behind it) is too daunting a task. A small target that a few specialists can shoot at is preferable to a big target we are all responsible for hitting.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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