Weekly Roundup: Missing Middlemen

February 3 - February 7, 2020

Monday: The "required thing" between where you are now and where you want to get is not actually there anymore. Don’t allow the middleman to be the reason for not creating, pursuing, or achieving your goal.

Tuesday: “What do you know?” has become "What do you add to what we all know?That’s a question about processing, analysis, and application. Accessing the information is not the challenge; utilizing it well is.

Wednesday: Historically, religious leaders were go-betweens. They stood in the gap between the Holy and mundane, between the Divine and common folk. What do they do now?

Thursday: Ignorance chooses for you and is dis-empowering. Doing the hard work is often the only way out of ignorance. (Not doing the hard work is a choice you can make, but only after you’ve gotten your hands dirty.)

Friday: A monopoly, on the other hand, eliminates choice and thereby access by any other means but the monopoly. The motive of monopolies is greed. The spirit of monopolies is control. The practices of monopolies are abusive.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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Sunday Reminder


“Monopolies" are the Opposite