Weekly Roundup: Knowing & Doing

January 27 - January 31, 2020

Monday: So much of what we know is in our hands, our legs, our bodies. Not really in our heads. Physical repetition is a better teacher than cognition, sometimes.

Tuesday: But also, what we know and neglect creates value, too. Repairing neglected teeth, is a great example. How much is a root canal these days?

Wednesday: The drive to improve and win must come from within the player. The curiosity to learn must come from within the student. The hunger to produce good work must be internal, regardless if the boss is around.

Thursday: Having it all figured out before you do anything means you’ll never do anything. Not anything that requires your skin, that’s risky, and that moves the needle in the end.

Friday: Limitations on what we can know or learn or discover are always moving. As soon as we put the stake in the ground at a limit, we discover more. There is no “arena” immune to this phenomenon.

Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.

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