The Risky Leap

[Knowing & Doing - V]

The limits of what we know fascinate me. Not because the limits exists but because the limits exist for a while. And then they’re wrong.

Limitations on what we can know or learn or discover are always moving. As soon as we put the stake in the ground at a limit, we discover more. There is no “arena” immune to this phenomenon.

Well, there is one: the future.
(I’m prepared to learn otherwise. Honestly.)

Tomorrow is unknown. We simply can’t know what will happen this afternoon, tomorrow, next week, or next year.

Reasonable predictions? Sure.
Guarantees? Nope.

That’s why there’s always an element of risk—we always leap into the unknown of tomorrow. It’s thrilling, isn’t it?

We might as well get a running start and see how far we can get.


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