Weekly Roundup: Who We Need
December 23 - 28, 2019
Monday: If you’re a creative, a problem solver, an innovator, a vanguard, or a prophet, you have a head start. Why? Because there’s no debate: the future is ours to create and we’ve barely scratched the surface on our potential.
Tuesday: Sure, creatives create, by definition. But how do they create beauty if they have not first seen what truly is. We need creatives to see with open eyes, and then create in a way that lets the rest of us in on the details.
Wednesday: Problem solvers first listen—deeply, patiently, without force—because the seeds of the solution are always hunkered down somewhere in the problem itself.
Thursday: But the major difference is not from where they are motivated and make decisions and lead; the difference is that vanguards are in service to people (not merely progress).
Friday: The world of problems is not a world of insurmountable obstacles. The world of problems is an excuse to play. Innovators aren’t intimidated by problems but motivated; they’re not afraid but inspired.
Saturday: Before the truth speaking, a prophet feels. Feels the isolation of those left out. Feels the grief of those suffering loss. Feels the despair of the poor (of all kinds). Feels the pain of the suffering. A prophet first feels, and then asks, “What is the cause?”
Are you interested in the whole reflection? Click on any day, and it will take you there.
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