Prophets Feel

[Who We Need - VI]

Prophets fundamentally speak truth to power. And that scares the heck out of all of us because they disrupt the way things are.

But prophets are not born with a bone to pick. They aren’t looking to topple institutions from a young age. They don’t pick fights with bureaucracies as young children and expose the injustices of the third grade classroom policies.

Before the truth speaking, a prophet feels.
Feels the isolation of those left out.
Feels the grief of those suffering loss.
Feels the despair of the poor (of all kinds).
Feels the pain of the suffering.

A prophet first feels, and then asks, “What is the cause?”

Prophets are threatening. But they are a gift. (The gift we didn’t know we needed.)

They’re like the rest of us, except from an early age they deeply feel.
And we need people that deeply feel.


Weekly Roundup: Who We Need


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