Vanguards Empathize

[Who We Need - IV]

Vanguards are out in front. They know it’s risky but have their nose on where we all need to go.

Vanguards are not mavericks. Mavericks are lone warriors, independent, separate. Vanguards appear to be mavericks but that’s only because they are in front of the rest of us, leading, pointing the way.

Mavericks lead with their ego, which is fine. It’s just not a vanguard.

Vanguards also have strong egos, but they don’t lead with them. Instead, their ego is balanced with their inner self, their heart, their soul.
But the major difference is not from where they are motivated and make decisions and lead; the difference is that vanguards are in service to people (not merely progress).

A vanguard is empathetic. A true leader that helps push us all forward into a better future feels the hurts of her people.

You’ll know the leaders among us not by their inflated “leadership qualities” but by their empathy.


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