Fence Tension
When I put the garden fence up, I used the truck and fence stretcher. For tension.
The corner posts were secure. All the t-posts, spaced every eight feet, were pounded in the ground along the fence line. All I needed was to unroll the fence, affix it to one corner post, and pull it with a fence stretcher while I “tied” it to each post. Voila.
Have you ever seen a fence installed without a fence stretcher? It sags. Maybe not the first year, but soon enough the fence will be barely effective.
The truck, the fence stretcher, the tension, the secure corner posts, and the clamps that hold the fence onto the t-posts are all working together to resist the most persistent force: gravity.
Gravity is always working to sag your project, too.
It pulls on your motivation. It weakens your strength, dilutes your zeal, blurs your focus.
Don’t run from tension. Don’t avoid it.
Engage it. Utilize it to be better, more focused, more articulate.
Tension is often the very force that keeps gravity from pulling you down.