Flames and Coals
Building a fire is quick and easy. Really, all you need is a Boy Scout with a handful of pine needles. Building a bed of coals: not so much. Coals require attention, patience, and consistent fuel.*
Consider outdoor cooking.
Flames from a fire get the job done, but the heat is inconsistent. Coals put off consistent heat.
Flames can cook, but they mostly char. Coals cook thoroughly, not just superficially.
Flames die down quickly and need attention more often. Coals hold their temperature, and once established don’t need as much attention.
Flames are showy. Coals have less flash, but do a better job in the end.
People like us know the difference. We’re all here to burn with the passion for change. Let us make the necessary investments up front so that our contribution will be thorough, deep, and lasting.
*This reflection began after reading this reference to coals: John 21:9