Texas vs. Tesla
Want a Tesla? Don’t move to Texas.
Tesla can't sell to consumers directly in Texas (or seven other states), which is its preferred way to sell its popular line of electric cars. Added to a restriction on direct sales, Texas now restricts Tesla from servicing their own cars.
In other words, Tesla cannot legally compete with preexisting car dealerships or service garages (which are often associated with car dealerships).
Car manufacturers.
Car dealerships.
They are all sending the same message: We want to preserve the way things are.
Anyone who stands to benefit from the way things are is in cahoots on this issue.
Anyone who stands to lose most if things change is most resistant to change.
This is not a Tesla issue.
Or a Texas issue.
Texas has legislated a human impulse. Maintain stasis. Preserve the present. Don’t change.
To any objective observer (or Tesla lover), the legislation is absurd.
But we do this all the time in our own lives. Against our own better judgment.
Dear friends, embrace the change.
Heck, lead the change. (The longer we wait, the harder it gets.)
And teach us how to do it well.